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Услуги адвоката по наследству, имущественным и жилищным спорам.

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Books, the book House. Books, kantstovary. Realisation, sale of books.

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  Название: the HOUSE of BOOK BOOKS
the House of book DP " Avionics-harkov "
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Логотип Books, the book House Books, kantstovary. Realisation, sale of books в Харькове
We are ready to offer you more than 30 thousand names of books of a various orientation: classical both modern prose and poetry, a fantasy, detectives, ezotericheskuju and the popular scientific literature. At us books for children and gift editions are widely presented the uchebno-methodical and professional literature. Pay attention to a wide range of audiobooks in format MP3.
If you could not find the book interesting you, we will accept the order and we will try to observe it in the shortest terms.
Employees of the House of the book "BooкS " are ready to make all that live dialogue with the book became from is small to is great desired necessity and daily requirement.
  Адрес: 61022, Kharkov, street Sumy, 51
  Район: the Center, metro station University, gostprom
  Режим работы: daily from 10:00 till
  Телефон, факс: + 38(057) 714-04-70, 714-04-71, a fax +38(057) 714-26-74

The director +38(057) 714-03-33 info@books.ua
Department of purchases +38(057) 714-26-72 KizubS@books.ua
Department of sales +38(057) 714-04-71 opt@books.ua
Department of advertising +38(057) 714-63-16 reklama@books.ua
  E-mail, WWW info@books.ua, www.books.ua
The book house "Books " has opened for the first time the doors for harkovchan and visitors of a city on June, 1st, 2001. We one of the first presented new standards of book trade in Ukraine. Now the easy approach to books, various forms of payment, advanced orders on books, meetings with writers and publishers, huge assortment became the obligatory requirement for a modern bookshop.

Daily we offer attention of buyers more than 30 thousand names of books of a various orientation: classical both modern prose and poetry, a fantasy, detectives, ezotericheskuju and the popular scientific literature. In wide assortment at us the uchebno-methodical and professional literature, books for children and gift editions, maps and guidebooks, and also developing games and audiobooks (МР3).

The book House "Books " is:

- Attention, responsiveness and professionalism of employees
- The convenient form of payment: Cash calculation, Credit cards Visa Classic, Visa Electron, MasterCard, the Clearing settlement
- Memory discounts for steady customers
- Advanced orders on absent books
- Acquisition of libraries of all levels
- The gift book certificate

At us you can pribresti the gift certificate which gives Possibility to your relatives, friends and business partners to choose books for the sum The gift certificate. Thus, you never will be mistaken with a gift choice!

The shop collective aspires to its transformation to the cultural centre where bibliophiles can get the necessary edition, communicate with each other, look through books, consult to experts, meet authors and publishers.

Today it is already impossible to present the book House "Books " without a week children's books (March), competition of children's drawing (on June, 1st), fantasy festival "the Star bridge " (September), every possible meetings and presentations.

For high professional level in sphere knigorasprostranenija and active charities our work is noted by the welfare fund Reading and writing "Metsenati the Native land " 2006, the Diploma of national competition "the Higher test - 2005 " and the festival Diploma "the book World - 2003 " for the first place in a nomination "the Professional knigoprodazhi ".

We see the mission in that live dialogue with the book became from is small to is great desired necessity and daily requirement.

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